Full Throttle at the Legion


Aryssah Stankevitsch

Times Reporter     
The Real Canadian Wrestling is coming to the Strathmore Legion on June 1 – and possibly again, if there is solid attendance for the “Full Throttle” live wrestling event.
“This is the first ever time this has happened at our legion,” Strathmore Legion President Gary Horne said, who first heard of the idea at legions in Calgary and Edmonton who are putting on similar events. “If it goes quite well and we sell enough tickets, and people are interested in it, then we intend to put it on more frequently.”
Not only more often, Horne mentioned, but with larger, more popular fights.
 “It can be more of a family event; this particular one is on a Sunday afternoon, so the younger ones can come along too,” Horne said. “It’s for the whole community. There will be more entertainment in Strathmore – and something different.”
Canadian Champion Wavell Starr, Steven Styles, Bobby Fletcher and Bucky Briggs will be competing with others. Roughly six to eight wrestlers are expected to battle.
The doors open at 2 p.m. on June 1 at 230, 2nd Avenue, with the bell at 2:30 p.m. Tickets can be bought in advance at the Legion office ($15 for adults, $10 for kids), and both are $5 more if purchased at the door.