Capital project requested

 Shannon LeClair  

Times Reporter     
Director of operations and engineering Jesse Parker made a request to purchase a skid steer snowblower replacement on Jan. 8. The town’s current skid steer snowblower was bought in 2006, and over the years has incurred some damage resulting in it being damaged beyond repair. 
He admitted that some of that damage had been due to improper operations and stated that the town has scheduled training for staff to ensure they are comfortable with the equipment and know its limitations. Quotes on replacing the equipment have come in at $7,250 including GST. Council approved the request, creating a new 2014 capital project with the funds to be drawn from the financial stabilization reserve. Prior to replacement three quotes for a suitable replacement will be requested.
Welcoming new faces 
Councillor Bob Sobol suggested at the Jan. 8 council meeting welcoming new businesses to town. Chief Administrative Officer Dwight Stanford said that approximately 10 years ago the mayor at the time would visit new businesses and welcome them to town. There would be a ribbon cutting ceremony. 
“It would be really neat if we could encourage all of them … to let us know and set up a ribbon cutting. It’s nice to do that,” said Stanford.
Deputy Mayor Denise Peterson suggested the possibility of creating a partnership role with the Strathmore and District Chamber of Commerce.  
Gala success 
Councillor Pat Fule mentioned that the Youth Club of Strathmore New Years Gala was a success. Approximately 100 people attended the inaugural event, and approximately $8,000 was raised after costs. Shannon Zieman, program director with the Youth Club said they would definitely be hosting another New Years Gala this year.
Loan approval 
Council approved a loan of $10,000 to the Alberta 55 Plus Summer Games Society on Jan. 8. The loan has been granted for a six-month term interest free.