Wheatland Further Education ready to offer more programs than ever
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Wheatland Further Education Society (WFES) is celebrating 40 years this year. The non-formal community-based learning organization started out in the county in people’s homes and community halls.
In 2012 the opportunity came up to rent an office from the new Strathmore and District Chamber of Commerce office.
In the past sessions have been held through Golden Hills School Division. The division has always been supportive and allowed WFES to hold sessions in the schools, but it was limited to evening classes. With the new rental space WFES can now offer daytime classes.
“What we’re trying to do is build a vibrant learning community and that’s why we have rented office space from the Chamber. With that office space came the boardroom/classroom so that we can bring those opportunities into the community,” said Joyce Bazant, executive director for WFES.
“Community-based education is critical to building Alberta’s social and human capital. Non-formal learning supports personal development enables people to truly become lifelong learners with the knowledge, skills and commitment to learning necessary to realize their potential and to fully participate and social community life and the workforce. That’s what we do, what we’re supposed to be.”
WFES is a non-profit organization, which has been run though Alberta Advanced education since opening their doors in 1973.
There are webinar classes that are offered to help people get back into the work force sooner, while providing an opportunity to upgrade their skills. There are 82 community-learning councils across the province, and in 2010 there were over 120,000 people taught through organizations like the WFES.
“We would love to get volunteers in the outlying areas. We have a contact person in Carseland, we have an area coordinator in Hussar but the rest of the communities we’d love to have someone that would be there. We could bring these same classes to their community if we could get someone there that would represent and be an area coordinator,” said Bazant.
“Right now I would love to find a French teacher, we’ve been looking for a French teacher because I know that is one of the (programs) we have been asked for several times.”
New to WFES this year is their Facebook page- Wheatland Further Education Community Learning. The page has been created as an additional way for people to stay up-to-date on what learning sessions are offered and when, their times and prices. If there are changes to a session time participants will be contacted by phone, but will now also be able to look on Facebook.
WFES offers a variety of sessions and they strive to keep bringing in ones that interest the community. Coming up over the next week are standard first aid and first-aid recertification programs on Feb. 23. On Feb. 25 there is Zumba, emotional de-cluttering, yoga, Spanish and 2-step. To find out more call 403-934-5785 or email wfes@telus.net.