Strathmore FCSS ready to go

 Shannon LeClair    

Times Reporter   
The debate over the separation of the Town of Strathmore from the Wheatland Family Support Services (FCSS) has had people talking, and wondering, what exact changes will be taking place.
There are two different ways that a municipality may deliver FCSS programs. The first is through direct service delivery, which means the FCSS staff are municipal employees and/or contracted full or part-time employees. The municipality would then deliver the programs and services following the parameters of the FCSS legislation. 
The second option is to have external grants, which is where the municipality would grant FCSS funds to local organizations and groups who were referred to as FCSS funded agencies. The second option was the delivery system the town had used in the past when they granted WFCSS their municipal portion of the FCSS funds. The WFCSS board would decide which programs they would support, and would in turn ‘grant’ the monies to outside agencies and groups for the delivery of services, which they describe as indirect funding. 
“The Town of Strathmore will initially utilize both methods of program delivery.  We have been asked if there will be a reduction in the grants to outside agencies, and because we plan on running many of our own programs, yes, there will be less funding provided to outside agencies,” said Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for the Town Linda Nelson. 
“There will also be start-up costs, such as the purchase of furniture, computers, et cetera for all of the office spaces, so this will substantially reduce the amount of funding available to outside agencies. 
The deadline for grant applications has passed, and we intend on continuing to fund some of the programs this year; the amounts will depend on the number of applications received in conjunction with the funds available, and obviously, the merits of the applications with regard to the FCSS Act and Regulations.”  It is important to recognize that there are grants available through other government sources that will subsidize many of the programs that had been funded by WFCSS in the past.  This information is available at the Town Office if anyone would like access to it.  
Plans are already in the works for different seniors’ and children’s programs. Earlier this year there was a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment done between a partnership with the United Way, the Town and Dillon Consulting.  Needs identified under the social aspect of the assessment were summer camp programs, youth programs, supportive active living and healthy behavior types of programs. 
“As a result of the needs assessment, we are currently working on a pilot program for children between the ages of 6 and 12 that we are hoping to run for four days over the Easter break,” said Nelson.
The programs will consist of activities that will help promote social development while being fun. The plan is to register a total of 60 children, 30 of them between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old and the other 30 between the ages of 10 and 12-years-old. Registration dates will be listed in the near future. 
The fees for the programs will be affordable and Nelson said the town will also be looking at partially subsidizing citizens who earn below the Core Needs Income Threshold. 
The needs assessment also pointed out that the aging population is increasing, and there is a demand to provide services that are accessible, affordable and meet the needs of seniors.
“We are currently working with stakeholders on a number of seniors programs meant to enhance their quality of life, and provide support that will help to sustain them as active participants in the community,” said Nelson. 
One of the concerns listed when the community first heard of the separation was what will happen to the Home Support Services to seniors. 
“The only change is that the Seniors who are currently utilizing the snow clearing service will no longer have to pay for it, the Town FCSS will be subsidizing this service 100 per cent.  It is important that everyone understands the FCSS mandate and Regulation, as it is quite complex,” said Nelson.  “The Ministry and the FCSS Association of Alberta have provided Town staff with a very detailed listing of what programs are and are not eligible for funding and support.”
Under the Program Advice Inventory Listing, it states: nutrition programs including, but not limited to, the following: food banks, school breakfast and/or lunch programs, assistance to sustain an individual or family, including money, food, clothing or shelter is not eligible.  Refer to Section 2.1(2)(b) of the FCSS Regulation.
Earlier this year, Town FCSS staff met with the Food Bank and offered to provide administrative support at no cost. However, this offer was declined.  Although the Food Bank does not qualify for support under the FCSS Regulation, the Town had found a way to provide support using resources other than FCSS.   
Administrative support was offered to Meals on Wheels and was also declined. However, they did accept some of the Town staff as volunteers to deliver meals.  
“The most notable transformation is that we will no longer be giving Strathmore’s FCSS funding to Wheatland FCSS, and we will be running and delivering our own programs based on the needs of the citizens of Strathmore, of course in partnership with many of the current groups and stakeholders already running programs, and some on our own as well,” said Nelson. 
“We don’t expect to be perfect at the start, but we will get there, and we are hoping to make a positive impact on our community.  We encourage our citizens to call our new FCSS Department with any questions at (403) 934-9090.”