Strathmore churches offer camp fun
Laureen F. Guenther
Times Contributor
Strathmore churches are offering summer programs that provide fun times with friends, while teaching values and practical skills. The Strathmore Full Gospel Church held a Vacation Bible School July 22 to 26. Coming up in August two other community churches will be hosting day camps.
Strathmore Alliance Church
Strathmore Alliance will host a children’s day camp August 19 – 22, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., on the theme The Word of God. Children entering Kindergarten and Grade One participate in crafts, stories, games, songs and snacks. Grades Two to Six students also do singing and storytelling, then spend 90 minutes of each morning on the activity of their choice: Sewing, Cooking, Art, Science, Sports or Wood-working.
“I love teaching kids some practical living skills,” says Donna Fitzgerald, Children’s Ministry Director. Children also learn that “things don’t come from nothing.” In cooking, for instance, children learn how to crack an egg, and to prepare foods they can make at home. Spending 90 minutes daily, for four days, in one activity area also gives children and leaders time to build warm relationships.
The program costs $20 per child. For information or to register your child, call Donna Fitzgerald at 403-934-3819.
Lord of All Lutheran Church
Lord of All Lutheran Church hosts a Vacation Bible Camp on the theme God Loves Us, August 19 to 22, 6:30 to 8:15 pm.
Scheduling it in the evening “lets the whole family come,” says Pastor Dawn Nelson. After crafts, games and storytelling for the children, and a discussion group for the adults, all the “campers” – preschool to senior – gather around a campfire, where they sing silly songs, old and new, and visit over a snack.
It’s “a little bit of the old camp tradition,” Nelson says. “The campfire is a big draw because (adults) remember campfires from when they were at camp,” and “it gets the kids ready for going to (overnight) camp.”
The program is free and welcomes children, families and individuals of all ages. Call Pastor Dawn Nelson at 403-934-2374 for more information or to let her know you and your family will attend.