Snow vertical or horizontal
Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor
Councillor Rocky Blokland suggested at the Jan. 16 council meeting that snow removal in the downtown should change from side to side clearing of snow, with piles left at the curb. Blokland suggested crews clear snow lengthwise down the street and pile the snow in a windrow down the middle, which would keep the curbs clear. Windrow snow removal could then take place after priority roads are cleared.
“I am downtown at five or five thirty and I see what goes on there and you are doing an excellent job,” said Councillor Blokland “Instead of clearing side to side, I suggest we look at that windrow down the windrow method.”
Blokland felt the current mechanism presented concerns;
• not enough parking room to park safely, pushing vehicles further into the street
• a safety hazard for people, especially seniors getting out of their vehicles and trying to reach the sidewalks
• excess snow and ice that the sidewalk loaders are throwing back on the street.
He suggested it be done on a trial basis. The Mayor would like the test to be done from the Credit Union to the Legion.
Councillor Rempel suggested the windrow needed removal within 24 hours.
Director of Engineering and Operations for the Towm Jesse Parker said that the windrow method also decreases passing space between the windrow and parked cars. Immediate snow removal is difficult because they have priority roads to clear and he would not like to see removal in the town core interfere with keeping emergency roads open. It would mean delayed removal and closure of the street during business hours that would not be desirable. It would require two dedicated employees and shift start times would have to be staggered.
“I am not trying sound negative, but that is the reality,” said Parker.
Parker agreed they would look at doing a trial.
Money for new digs
The Strathmore Chamber of Commerce was awarded thirty thousand dollars by the Town for office renovations, pending signage of the agreement. The loan would be extended over 7 years with no interest charges.
Stepping up
Council approved Tracey Burkholder, BCOM CMA to the Financial Audit committee and Jennifer Sawatsky is the new Strathmore United Way candidate for one year. The United Way is short board members and needs volunteers to sit on the board to move forward. Eight board members including one Town representative are required.
“United Way does have a minimum of some of $30,000 at the low amount and at the high amount $55,000, to distribute in this town, to several different organizations. It would be a shame to see this money not go,” said Councillor Blokland.
Election know how
Town administration wants potential election candidates to attend a pre-election workshop. They are considering three hour sessions over three nights. The date it was scheduled was debated, whether it was held in June or September. Councillors felt if it was held early enough, it could give potential candidates enough time to consider whether they would like to throw their hats in the ring. The Town of Strathmore election is in October.
“It is a wonderful tool and contributes to the understanding of the job,” said Dwight Stanford, Coordinator of Administrative Operations.