Public Works preps for spring
Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor
Dave Churchill, Manager of Transportation and Infrastructure indicated that there were 15 bridges scheduled for work in the coming year. He advised council that staff was working on the cost estimates.
He said that gravel crush crews had finished at the Rockyford pits and moved to the Goldsmith pit.
Councillor Don Vander Velde asked about the life expectancy of the Carseland pit. Churchill reassured him that only one quarter had been mined and the pit is expected to supply gravel for more than two decades.
Snow plow complaints
Snow plow crews had been out after snowfalls. However, there were some resident complaints that crews were not working during the snow storm that occurred at the end of February. Council and staff want residents to know that if conditions are hazardous, unless it is an absolute emergency, plow crews are not called in outside of normal working hours to plow.
“Staff safety is paramount,” said Councillor Ken Sauve. “We will not endanger them by requiring they go out when it is not safe.”
Councillors encouraged people to be safe and stay home if they could, when road safety is questionable.
Hammerhill timeline
Mike Ziehr, Engineering and Development officer said that the Hammer Hill Construction plan only had three remaining individuals left to sign.
“The biggest hold up is negotiating the details of borrowed land,” said Ziehr.
Ziehr said they have decided to use one site, rather than spread the soil stockpiles on multiple sites, in order to minimize disturbance and impact on the land. The construction was expected to start by the end of May and continue until December.
Lighting Gleichen
water tower
Ziehr updated council on the Gleichen water tower lighting. It was suggested that a pole owned by Fortis could be modified, but due to liability, Fortis could not grant the request. Ziehr said that council could use hidden lights on the tower, put in a separate pole and light or utilize a spot light for the tower. Council asked Ziehr to do work estimates on each idea and bring it back to council for a decision.