Popular local Facebook page gives back

Wendi Tashlikowich  
Times Contributor 
Strathmore Bidding Wars celebrated their one year anniversary by donating a day where all the money raised through their online auction site could be donated to different charities around Strathmore. Each person posting an item for sale decided which charity the proceeds would be donated too. 
At the end of the day the ladies managed to raise $557.50 for local charities. Stacy Bodnar, creator of the site, saw a need and filled it. As a working mom of two, she is heavily involved in the community and wanted a place where she could get rid of her quality used items without having to have a garage sale. 
It started more as a small group of friends who thought this would be a fun way to get rid of unwanted items, and has now grown to include 2,800 local residents. The site has grown so much over the past year that there are now three administrators to help keep the site running smoothly. 
These ladies spend hours and are very dedicated to their work, which involves cleaning up the site, making sure everyone is following rules and adding new members. Members must follow some rules, which are in place to keep the site fair and fun. 
The biggest issue that members have found is having their items picked up in a timely matter, but administration is aware of repeat offenders and for the most part everyone is very good about picking up purchased items. Items that are often put up for auction range between used clothing, books, video and furniture. Bodnar and her administration remember the most strange/interesting item that came up for sale being a blob of fat.
“It’s a very fun part of the site, seeing what people can find in the back of their closet to sell,” she said.  
One of the biggest sellers was a log bed that began with a starting bid of $200 and went to the winner for a whopping $600. The motto of the site is to “Keep it Fun, and Yuuuuuupppppp!” 
If you are interested in becoming a member, log onto Facebook and search Strathmore Bidding Wars, ask to join and wait for your approval.