Natural gas vehicles a no go

 Sharon McLeay 

Times Contributor 
Dave Churchill, Manager of Transportation and Infrastructure for Wheatland County, reported back to council inquiries that it would cost about $8,000 per vehicle to convert county trucks to dual-fuel gasoline/natural gas tanks. He estimated that fill-ups would cost $40-$50.
“Filling up can be dangerous and it is pretty easy to burn fingers because the fuel temperature is below zero,” said Churchill. “There is a big potential for compressed fuel accidents.”
He said there were other complications such as:
• switching tanks,
• the lack of stations delaying work days by 30 minutes 
• the BTU of the fuel was lower, so would encumber pulling power, 
• trade in required at lower mileage
• pressure in the tanks require certifications and testing
• training would be needed
• and the installation site was in Edmonton
“I would recommend the county not be a partner in this. I don’t think it is feasible and it might be a sort of nuisance to the guys,” said Churchill.
Council considered the information and may address the prospect in the future, when the infrastructure is more developed.
Public works 
Public works crews are doing brush-cutting safety clinics. They are preparing crews to clear road hazards and areas affected by damage during storms. 
“Basically, we will be clearing anything that causes sight problems,” said Dave Churchill, Manager of Transportation and Infrastructure. 
He asked councillors to advise the department of any areas in their divisions that might need work.
Churchill said plow crews are also busy with many duties at the start of the New Year. Snow plow activity and sanding is ongoing, as needed, and in off times crews will be removing snow from villages and hamlets. Work has started in Carseland, with Gleichen scheduled next. 
Gravel and rap application on Hammerhill road is also nearing completion.  There is an open house scheduled for landowners affected by 2013 construction of Twp. Rd 232 between Range Road 235 and Hwy. 1. It will be held on Jan. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the County office and the Division councillor and Reeve will be present.
Staff are listing Bridge projects for 2013-2015, in anticipation of upcoming work. They are anticipating road closures with a road detour for the work near Rosebud, Bridge file 40198.
Councillor Ken Sauve asked Churchill whether staff could notify councillors of any complaints in their districts, so they may address any issues and eliminate any confusion.
Sign removal
Churchill asked for direction from council, on confusing signage at the intersection of Twp 270 and RR245. The intersection used to be a T intersection and a boundary between two divisions in the county. When the road extension completed, traffic signs were posted as a warning to the public of changes to the road.
There are stop signs on the east-west roads and yield signs on the north-south. The north-south road is busier with a lot of truck traffic. One suggestion was to make it into a four way stop. County officers checked the road and staff suggested that the yield signs be removed. Council approved the removal of the yield signs.
“I hope it doesn’t encourage people to speed on the road,” said Councillor Brenda Knight.
There is a single axle truck and Class 8 highway tractor tender up for bids, closing on Jan. 25, 2013. Interested parties can follow the links on the new County website,  under ‘Requests for proposals’ on the left screen side.