Looking for helping hands

 Shannon LeClair  

Times Reporter  
The Strathmore Youth Club has been fully operational in their new building since last year and in that time has been able to offer more and more programs to the community. With the new programs also comes the need for new supplies. Disposable items are the ones the club could use most. 
“As we offer cooking classes, paper plates, new plastic cutlery, napkins and garbage bags, that sort of thing, for everyday use,are greatly appreciated” said Program Coordinator Colina Clark.
Every time the need arises the Youth Club creates a wish list of items someone may be willing to help with that have been taking away from the budget.
The items the Club is hoping to have donated include: soup ladles, flippers, kitchen utensil holder, dish drying rack, prize donations for contests, lockable large filing cabinet, sports equipment and age appropriate books. For the complete wish list go to Youth Club of Strathmore’s Facebook page.