Council approves free ice for minor hockey
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Strathmore Minor Hockey (SMH) and the Town have been working out the details for the upcoming Alberta Cup being held in Strathmore April 25-28. The Town has agreed to help support SMH in various areas of preparing for the event. SMH will be building a press box for about $40,000 which will be a permanent structure that can continue to be utilized in the future.
“The Town has agreed to put $10,000 into that, the Town has agreed to provide the Civic Centre free of charge and the Family Centre free of charge,” said Chief Administrative Officer Dwight Stanford.
“One of the things that came up more recently pertains to free ice, they’re asking for free ice now.”
There had been a meeting between council members, SMH and administration to discuss the ice option. It was presented to council at the March 6 meeting for discussion.
Councillor Pat Fule made a motion to council to accept the proposal from Strathmore Minor Hockey for the major sponsorship package for the ATB Alberta Cup with the condition that any grant funds received be returned to the town for the hall and ice rentals. The motion was passed unanimously.
New sidewalk
At the March 6 regular Town council meeting council approved funding for a proposed sidewalk project. The proposal was for a sidewalk on the west side of Centre Street, from Parklane Drive to the canal. The sidewalk will be put in between the driveways. The residents on the west side of the street will lose the flowerbeds they may have put in. It will also then be up to the homeowners to clean the sidewalk in front of their property. The estimate to put in the sidewalk is $20,000, which will come out of the Financial Stabilization Reserve. Councillor Earl Best was opposed to the motion to accept, stating that he wasn’t comfortable voting in favour of an estimated dollar amount instead of a solid number.
Bench replacement
The Town will be purchasing eight benches to replace the advertising benches that had previously adorned the downtown area. The new benches will be steel with armrests. A capital project budget was approved in the amount of $8,800. The funds will come from the Financial Stabilization Reserve.
Tour of Alberta
The Town has received three requests from residents who would like to sit on the Tour of Alberta organizing committee. Council appointed Robert Sedman, Jonah Zankl and Julie Kern to the committee. The Tour of Alberta will be coming to Strathmore on Sept. 6.
The prestigious bike event will see hundreds of people come to the town for the starting ceremonies, and will require dozens of volunteers to organize various stations and to make it the success it’s projected to be.