Bringing back performing arts
Wendi Tashlikowich
Times Contributor
The Strathmore Theatre Players are proud to announce that they will be bringing back their children’s program this year. They have held theatre classes in the past, but it has been a few years since the last session. The theatre group ran a day camp this past summer that was very successful, and have had a lot of interest since. Co-Chair Angela Reeves and Tanya Wolff, with the help of Tashina Hanrath and Laurie Motley, will be bringing the performing arts back to Strathmore and the kids. Aztec Real Estate has graciously donated a space to hold the classes, and registrations for the spring term are already being accepted.
The classes will focus on basic acting skills such as vocal and physical warm-up, improv and script activities as well as theatre games. Reeves and Hanrath hope to incorporate workshop days into the schedule where they can bring in experts in dance, musical theatre and costumes. The classes will begin on March 6, and run till the end of June where they will end the season with a stage performance.
If you are interested in registering your child age 8-13, please check out their website at, or contact Angela Reeves at 403-901-0182.