2013 Alberta 55-Plus Games are for people of all ages

Laureen F. Guenther  
Times Contributor  
Strathmore residents represented our community well at the 2013 Alberta 55 Plus Winter Games, Feb. 13 – 16 in Calgary. Men from Strathmore and area played in all four hockey categories – age 55+, 60+, 65+ and 70+. We also had representation in the Scrabble tournament. The Games, which provide both intellectual and physical challenges, also feature bridge and euchre, as well as curling, 5-pin bowling, carpet bowling, darts, shuffleboard, snooker, alpine and cross-country skiing, and badminton.
The Games are usually hosted in smaller communities, so Kelly Blackshaw, who volunteered as board chair, says it was a treat for this year’s 1,136 participants to be hosted in Calgary’s world-class facilities. It was also a highlight that multiple events were hosted in the same large rooms at the Calgary Winter Club. 
“People loved being together in one room,” she said, “because, typically, at these games, these would be in all different venues and (participants would) never see each other except for opening and closing ceremonies.”
This year’s cultural events were also noteworthy. The Health and Wellness Fair, with 32 different exhibitors, welcomed both participants and members of the public. Plus “roving vans and roving activities…kept people entertained,” Blackshaw said. “Everywhere you went there would be some little musical thing going on.” 
People could learn to square dance or perhaps the Chinese New Year lion dance.  She adds, “we had these people on stilts called the Green (Fools) and they walked everywhere and engaged people. They were priceless!” 
The National Music Centre loaned a busker piano for the Games. 
“Anybody could just sit down and play it,” said Blackshaw. “A lot of seniors like to play the piano, so they’d just sit there (and play) and people would gather around and watch them.”
The greatest highlight for Blackshaw herself was seeing people in “that age group…being so active, engaged and inspiring” and displaying that energy from being fully engaged in life. And “they’re good athletes on top of it all.” 
She also enjoyed seeing young spectators cheer on senior family members. 
“Little kids came to see their grandpa play hockey or their grandmother carpet bowl,” she says. “So (the seniors) were actually inspiring the younger people to be more active. We saw little kids holding up signs that said, ‘Go Grandpa!’, there was (another sign) that said ‘Grandma rocks for curling.’ Isn’t that a hoot?”
“People should take part in these things if they have the opportunity,” said Blackshaw, whose husband and mother have both competed in the Games. “It’s such a great experience….It’s not about the years in your life, but the life in your years…If you have a chance, try it out!”
This summer, Barrhead / Westlock hosts the Alberta 55Plus Summer Games. The Canada 55Plus Games are coming to Strathcona County in 2014. Lethbridge hosts the next Alberta 55Plus Winter Games in 2015. See www.alberta55plus.ca to find out how you can compete or volunteer.