Wheatland Council Updates

Sharon McLeay

Times Contributor 
Rockyford Dog Park
Inquiries were made of Development staff about the purchase of a .5-acre piece of land owned by Wheatland County. The intention was to establish a free run dog park. Rockyford council will be discussing the suggestion at their council on Dec. 12.
“We were not sure if this piece of land would be appropriate for their needs,” said Mike Ziehr, Municipal Engineer Technologist and Development Officer.
Land auction
Three properties go up for sale at 9 a.m. on Dec. 13, at the County office: 
Roll #6128000 4-24-023-11-NW with a Reserve bid of $4,600; Roll #3171000 4-21-024-35-SW with Reserve of $6,000; and Roll # 7583000 4-25-022-07-SW with a reserve bid of $86,500. The properties are offered as is.
Retirement Party
An open house was held on Dec. 12 at the County office to celebrate the retirement of Gerry Van Oostwaard, Public Works Manager.
Dalum Fire Request
Dalum Fire Association requested building their new fire hall on a portion of County-owned land, known as the old school house grounds adjacent to their current lot. They plan to put up a 130 by 70 ft. building. The building setbacks on the existing do not accommodate the best placement of the building. 
Councillors were not averse to the plan, but felt that since a Rural Fire Service review was in development, they wanted the decision deferred until after the consultant and committee introduced their findings. 
“It is not unreasonable to put this on hold until it is done,” commented Jennifer Deak, CAO.
“Since the building will straddle the two properties, I would like to see the properties consolidated first,” said Councillor Ben Armstrong.
First reading of Fire Loan 
Council approved the first reading of the bylaw to refinance a Strathmore Firefighting Association loan for $120,318.90 over a ten-year period. A lien against the Strathmore fire hall and Carseland fire hall property is held as collateral for the loan. The bylaw is posted in the local paper. Petitions are accepted against the bylaw prior to second reading. If all readings pass, funds expect to go out by February 2013.
Community Enhancement for 2013
All applications for 2013 Community Enhancement grants must be in before January 31, 2013. The committee will review projects, with delivery of funds by March 2013.
Canadian Federation of Municipalities
Council renewed their membership in the CFM. There is a 13.41 cent per capita charge for the membership. The CFM represents the interests of municipalities on policy and program matters within federal jurisdiction.  For more information on the Federation see www.fcm.ca 
Handi-bus funding request
Council reviewed statistics on Handi-bus usage and considered a request for a funding donation. Clarification was asked for, on the categories and funding breakdowns. Spokesperson Alice Booth commented the association had made strides in filling the buses. One new problem they were facing was that medical appointments often entailed lab testing, which was increasing the hours needed for a trip.  
The County’s grant to the Association was $15,000 last year, along with provisions for bus inspections, tires and installation costs.  
“I am sure the Handi-bus would appreciate if we could establish a process to deal with this every year. It would make sense, said Councillor Ken Sauve.
“We appreciate the inspections and what funding was given before and an additional grant this year would be much appreciated,” said Spokeswoman Alice Booth. 
Council asked that the Committee as a whole deal with the request.
WFCSS accepts space in County Office
The Wheatland Family and Community Support Services accepted the County’s invitation to set up their office in the County office. 
“Thank you for the warm welcome put to our staff” said Sharon Tibeau, area coordinator.
The move in will be on Jan. 29.
Subdivision Appeal Board 
The County accepted that the Division 1 representative Jay Anderson  and Division 5 representative John Keer  Subdivision Appeal Board members be reinstated for 2013. There were no new applicants submitted for the positions. The deadline for applicants was Nov. 23, 2012.