Standard Beautification project growing


Manny Everett

Times Contributor
A committee has been formed to undertake a new project in Standard. Community members are coming together to bring Standard to a level of excellence in aesthetics similar to Communities in Bloom, as a starting point from the ground up.
The Standard Beautification Committee is attempting to beautify the Village of Standard by placing recycled plastic self-watering planters on the median on Main Street (The Broadway) and shrubs and perennial beds at the signs on the north and south entrances to the village. 
 They expect that about $5,000 will be needed to purchase 10 2x2x6 planters, shrubs, soil, plants and solar lights to get the project off the ground. They will also attempt to decorate the planters in the off seasons when it is not possible to have flowers.
The committee’ s hope is that participation by the students and youth in the community will help to instil pride in the project. One young person has already taken on the project. Sydni Sundgaard just celebrated her eighth birthday and in lieu of gifts she asked her friends to donate money and get gift certificates from greenhouses in and around the community for the project. She explained to her Mom that she received enough gifts from family and that she wanted to do this for her community. She raised $130 and handed her money over to Carol McKay, organizer of the Standard Beautification project, at the Spring Concert. Both her parents (and grandparents) were impressed and proud of her selfless act.
Lions President David Nielsen also gave McKay a cheque in the amount of $2500 on behalf of the Lions Club of Standard for the project.
If you would like to consider investing in Standard’s beautification project, cheques should be made payable to the Village of Standard and forwarded to Carol McKay, Box 291, Standard, Alberta, T0J 3G0.  Please make note on the cheques that the money is designated “Standard Beautification Project” and upon request a “Charitable Tax Donation Receipt” will be issued.
If you need more information, please feel free to contact Carol McKay via e-mail (