SLC food drive a huge success
Jenna Gigantelli
Times Jr Reporter
Over the past couple of weeks, the Strathmore High School Student Leadership Council organized the ‘Twelve Days of Giving.’
For twelve days, the students were assigned a food item to bring in to their block one class. Since every day the block one class alternates, a sense of competition really encouraged the students to contribute as many food items as they could.
“We collected 3,031 food items and it is all going to the Wheatland County District Food Hamper Society,” says Jonah Zankl, co-president of SLC. “This has been our most successful drive ever and the response from the students was remarkable.”
The classes who brought in the most food every day won a prize, ranging from a pancake breakfast, to a day of tobogganing, and even a piñata/nacho party.
Congratulations to Strathmore High School for an amazing job well done. Thank-you to everyone that participated and supported the food bank this holiday season. Many families in need are grateful for these generous donations.