Participants needed for caregiver support group
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Caring for a loved one who is battling a chronic disease or suffering from another type of health issue can be tough on everyone involved. Sometimes it may feel like there is no one to talk to, but that’s not the case. In Strathmore there is a caregiver support group, there to help people caring for a loved one.
“We provide supportive counselling, basically group counselling to people that are caring for loved ones in the community, and our numbers have dropped in the last couple of years,” said Amy Yaneza.
Yaneza is a social worker with the Primary Care Network, Alberta Health Services and Strathmore District Health Services.
She is hoping to get the word out that if you need support while you’er supporting your loved one, they are there for you.
“A lot of what we have is spouses and family members of people with dementia or some sort of ailing health issue,” said Yaneza.
Yaneza said there used to be eight to 10 people in the group, but now they are down to two and were going to cancel the group because there aren’t enough people. Instead Yaneza said the goal is to get the word out to the public and see if there is anyone interested in participating in the group.
The group gets together and for about 30 minutes the members discuss educational types of things like sleep, nutrition, and dealing with frustrations. Then there are 30 to 40 minutes of supportive counselling in a group format. Each session is held on the second Thursday of each month, and is open to anybody who’s caring for a loved one or a family member with an ailing condition. Often people hear about the group and become involved by referrals through home care and through mental health.
“We’re looking for participants to register and we’re just looking for people in need basically that want to come to the group,” said Yaneza.
Registration takes only 10 to 15 minutes on average. Anyone interested in registering can contact Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176.