Outdoor rinks getting ready in Gleichen
Manny Everett
Times Contributor
The Community of Gleichen will be hosting their third Annual Hockey Day in their community on Feb. 11. It is an opportunity to go out and play one of Canada’s well known sports in a non-competitive environment.
Pond hockey is just like indoor hockey but is generally played outdoors and most of the time on a lake or pond. It has over the years become synonymous with “non-competitive” or fun hockey. Pond hockey in tournaments are played four on four but when playing casually there are no set number of players on a team. There are no goalies in pond hockey, the goals can range anywhere from being regular hockey nets to people’s tennis shoes.
Since pond hockey started the popularity has soared and official pond hockey tournaments are found across the globe. Pond hockey tournaments have raised the concept of youth pick-up hockey into a serious art form. The rink can range from any size or shape, and typically resemble a regular indoor ice hockey rink. Some pond hockey rinks use boards, however in most the surrounding snow makes a good substitute.
Registration is for individual children between the ages of 4 to 17 years old. Both male and female may register and will be on co-ed teams. Registration fees include lunch. Each child registered will be playing a total of three shinny-style hockey games, and some voluntary skills sessions will be offered during the lunch break for those who are interested.
The Gleichen Ag Society has built three outdoor rinks and will use the indoor ice surface as well to maximize fun for all the participants. Many volunteer hours have gone into this project and they hope to have another fabulous turnout this year.
Registration will begin at 8 a.m. with the games following at 9 a.m.
For more information please contact Cara Sheppard at shepfarm@xplornet.ca or call her at 403-734-3515.