Newly renovated Gleichen Community Hall up and ready for business
Manny Everett
Times Contributor
The fruits of several years of hard work were enjoyed with a dinner and dance as community members gathered to celebrate the renovation of the Gleichen Community Hall last Saturday night, Jan. 14.
Over one hundred tickets were sold for the evening which began with a dinner, prepared by the hall board members in their new commercial kitchen and eaten by guests seated at new tables and chairs and served on new dishes, followed by a short program of thanks.
The project began with hall chairperson Alice Booth and Doris Lindman approaching possible donors, private and government, as well as applying for various available grants. It was a bit daunting at first, but Booth said as the process unfolded they learned as they went how to raise the needed funds.
In total over $250,000 was raised for the renovations which included new kitchen, appliances, supplies as well as a complete overhaul of the bathrooms. There is still some work to be done such as roof repairs, but all of the more visible work was finished for the celebration.
In her remarks, Booth recognized Keith Ford for his help in costing out the work and Nick Holt for his efforts to build it. Individuals and organizations who contributed to the endeavor were acknowledged for their generosity.
Booth praised the board’s ability to not just work hard but to work together, no matter what obstacles they encountered, and in the end it all came together.