Helping those less fortunate
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Promoting good citizenship within our children is something every parent hopes for, and for some parents their kids can surprise them at a young age.
Seven-year-old Emily King was watching the Disney Channel when she saw a brief clip about Aryna Williams. Williams asked everyone to bring shoes to her birthday party instead of presents. She then donated the shoes, 322 pairs in total, to an orphanage in Guatemala.
When King saw the commercial it hit home for the soon-to-be birthday girl. She decided she too wanted to help those less fortunate.
“Her birthday was on April 30, and instead of gifts she wanted people to give her money so that she can help out a less fortunate family,” said mom Jennifer King.
“She’s always been very thoughtful, and very giving and obviously concerned about other people, it’s just who she is. People have said, oh good on you mom, but it’s not me. As a parent you can only try and do the right thing and just hope that it sticks. You also hope that your child just turns out like her, but it’s her, it’s just who she is.”
Emily asked for money for her birthday to purchase items for Growing Opportunities. Growing Opportunities offers programs, which focus on helping pregnant woman who may need help, or just have questions. There are different types of support services offered for both during the pregnancy and after delivery.
Thanks to friends and family at the party, and a request sent out on Facebook, Emily was able to raise $500.
“She did get a couple of gifts for herself because you know, she’s seven,” said Jennifer.
“It feels really good inside,” said Emily, who is already talking about her next birthday.
“I’ll do the same thing, just lots of things for the people who need something and just two gifts for me.”