Gleichen hockey day returns for a third year
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Pond Hockey has proven to be successful in Gleichen, and this February they will be hosting the third annual Hockey Day in GA. Cara Sheppard, coordinator of the program is hoping to see 150 kids come out and participate. In preparation of the big day, the Cluny Fire Department has been helping the Gleichen Fire Department with flooding the three outdoor rinks.
“Two outdoor ice surfaces are the same as last year and the third one is an outdoor rink that was donated from Red Deer Pond Hockey and a gentleman by the name of Mac Smith volunteered his time to go pick it up for us,” said Sheppard.
There is also a fourth rink, an indoor one that will also be used for the event.
Last year a chinook blew through, making things quite wet and messy for all of the participants and putting a bit of a damper on the day. Sheppard said, “As long as the weather does what it’s supposed to and doesn’t get too cold and doesn’t get too warm, I would be quite happy.”
Last year the RCMP brought a radar gun to measure the speed of kids’ shots, and though it isn’t confirmed as of yet, Sheppard is hoping they will again.
Kids from all over the province have been taking part in Canada’s favourite game, hockey.
“So there’s 2,600 kids in Hockey Alberta’s Pond Hockey currently, and we got 22 new programs started this year for a total of 47 all together all the way across the province,” said Sheppard.
Since the 2010/2011 season, numbers have increased by 30 per cent.
Hockey Day in GA will take place Feb. 11, and it’s a $5 cost for each participant. The registration fee will see each player receive three shinny style games, lunch, and leave with a tournament souvenir.
For any players who are not currently insured through Hockey Alberta, the Hockey Day is supported by Hockey Alberta with the ‘Bring a friend’ program. With the program players are covered for insurance for the event.
For registration information call Cara Sheppard 403-734-3515 or email Registration deadline is Jan 31/2012.