Gleichen Gunners come out of retirement

Manny Everett 
Times Contributor
The Gleichen Gunners were reborn at a game played in front of proud parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles at the Gleichen Arena Saturday, Jan. 7.
The 2007-2008 campaign was the last full season for the Gleichen Gunners to play an official game on ice.
Saturday was the first time since 2009 that the Gleichen Gunners Tykes Jerseys came out of retirement and were worn to play a game against the Bassano Outlaws
The official score was 5-2 for the Bassano Outlaws. Even though the Gunners didn’t win, all the kids had fun playing and are looking forward to more games in the future. 
Under the direction of coaches Jesse Markel, Justin Markel and Farley Bishop the nine Tykes players under the age of six had a fantastic time on the ice, with line changes every three minutes so that all the kids had equal opportunities to have ice time (plus warm up a little).
The Bassano Outlaws had 17 players on their team of which the Gunners borrowed one team member to play on their side.
Gleichen’s Pond Hockey program was started in the 2009-2010 hockey season with 10 players. Currently they have 63 kids playing in the program. All players in the program are insured thru Hockey Alberta.
Pond Hockey is an affordable alternative to mainstream hockey that is trying to get back to a grassroots concept, with non-contact games played in the Gleichen arena.
Players in their program are four-year-old to 17-year-old boys and girls from Arrowwood, Lyalta, Carseland, Siksika, Strathmore and Gleichen. They currently play three nights a week.
Gleichen will be hosting the Third Annual Hockey Day on Saturday, Feb. 11 with tournaments all day on one indoor ice surface and three outdoor rinks.
For more information about this season or the upcoming Hockey Day in Gleichen please contact Cara Sheppard at 403-734-3515 or email