A different type of love story comes to Rosebud

 Shannon LeClair 

Times Reporter
A home burglary doesn’t sound like it would be the recipe for love, but in John Kolvenbach’s Love Song that’s exactly what happens. 
A woman named Molly, played by Lauren de Graaf, burglarizes Beane, played by Conrad Belau. Belau said Beane, who is kind of a recluse, goes to his apartment one night and there’s a woman sitting there with all of his possessions. She sees something in him and is really taken by him and they just fall in love with each other at that moment. 
“It’s really funny, it’s very dramatic and it’s really moody, it’s a deeply romantic play and being a romantic at heart I was like, well this is the play for me,” said Conrad Belau, who is producing the play as his student final project. 
Being on stage is nothing new for the Saskatchewan native. 
“To be honest it’s all I have really ever known, I grew up acting in church musicals that my mom directed and then I moved on to public school performances,” said Belau.
“It’s just the one thing that really people noticed me, and I was kind of the high school nerd and…I was just not very noticed. When I was on stage people would notice me, and they would laugh, and I was like oh this is what I’m meant to do. 
“When I was in Rosebud I realized it was more than just being noticed, it was about actually having a voice, and having something to share. This is the role that I need to play in my life, this is what I’m going to be doing with my life hopefully.”   
Belau’s most memorable performances on the Rosebud Theatre Stage have been ‘Jake and the Kid,’ ‘A Bright Particular Star,’ and ‘The Secret Garden.’  Belau said his favourite role was when he was in “Jake and the Kid’, when he had a chance to work opposite Nathan Schmidt and Mike Thiessen. He said while the role was enriching, the two men were also really fun to work with.   
“It was just a really awesome summer experience. Ninety-eight shows can seem tiresome, it seems like a lot, but when you’re in the middle of it you just have to go for it,” said Belau.
Belau plans to go where the work takes him, saying he would like to work in Vancouver or return home to Saskatoon. 
Love Song can be seen on the Rosebud Studio Stage Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. or at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on the 28. Tickets are available at the door, or in advance by calling 403-479-8639.