Chamber hosts first luncheon of the New Year
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
The Strathmore and District Chamber of Commerce held their first monthly luncheon of the New Year on Jan. 6 at the Best Western. At every Chamber luncheon or breakfast there is a guest speaker brought in. Mayor Steve Grajczyk was the lucky speaker of the day.
“We actually asked him as soon as he was elected,” said Lin Walker, president of the Chamber.
They decided this year that the mayor would be a good fit and asked him to be their January speaker. Walker said they wanted to give him a few months to adjust and find out about what’s going on around town.
“People always like to know what’s happening in the Town,” said Walker.
Grajczyk gave the members a brief history about himself, and informed them about some of the plans for the Town. One of the things he discussed was plans for some of the annexed land. He said land south of Highway 1 has been rezoned for commercial industrial. The overall goal is to bring in commercial and highway industrial business. He mentioned the final phases of the Aquatic Centre should be opening Jan. 24, among other things happening in and around the town.
“We have planned a number of exciting events for our centennial year. The centennial committee is working hard to put together a fun filled year that citizens of all ages can participate in,” said Grajczyk.
Walker said the three main reasons the Chamber holds the business luncheons is for the networking opportunities, education and awareness.
“Sometimes you’re so busy with your business that you don’t necessarily know everything that’s happening,” said Walker.
“Everybody has to eat and so it’s an opportunity for you to take an hour out, have lunch, meet your fellow business people and just hear about something of interest. We try to be fun, not always dry.”
Walker said one of the most interesting speakers they had last year was about the Cowboy Trail, from Tourism Alberta. She said his talk was phenomenal and they would like to bring him back again.
Another guest they would like to see back in 2011 is Robert Breitweiser from Communities in Bloom.
The Annual General Meeting for the Chamber will be taking place March 18, and Walker predicts about 25 per cent of the board will be new members.