Trying Ringette out
Amy Gregson – Times Reporter
For those girls who have ever been interested in trying ringette, the annual Come Try-It event is happening once again.
The free event is for anyone between the ages of three to 18 and will happen Feb. 26 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Family Center.
“You never know if you are going to like something unless, or until you try it, and this event gives you that opportunity,” said Terry Morgan, marketing director for the Strathmore Minor Ringette Association.
Those who are attending the event are asked to arrive for 4 p.m. when current players who will act as their mentors for the sessions will greet them.
“SMRA is proud to have our experienced players take part in the mentorship program which also runs during the season,” said Morgan.
Participants will be on-ice from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. with their mentors.
There will be stations set up that will promote skills and fun activities.
Representatives from the Strathmore Minor Ringette Association will be on hand to answer any questions parents might have and will also be holding an information session while the girls are practicing on the ice.
Morgan said the association has had very positive feedback from this event in the past, especially with their youngest age group, the pre-bunny’s who are aged six and under.
They have also had players sign up in their older divisions as well.
Morgan said ringette isn’t only fun for the girls, but also for the parents.
“I love to cheer her on and enjoy socializing with the other parents on the team each year,” she said.
For more information or to pre-register contact (403) 934-3064 or visit