Tragedy on Trans Canada
Shannon LeClair – Times Reporter
A fatal collision occurred in the westbound lane of the Highway 1, just outside of Strathmore at approximately 5 p.m. on July 26. A semi truck and a John Deer farm tractor pulling a haybine collided when the truck went to pass the tractor. The tractor had been travelling westbound in the right lane, and the semi truck also in the right lane signaled to move into the left lane.
“When the driver of the tractor was approaching the intersection there was a guardrail he had to move out of the way for, which caused the haybine that he was towing to move into the fast lane,” said Const. Brock Grolla. “He signaled to pass the tractor but he didn’t realize the tractor was going to be moving out, and when he went to pass him, he struck that haybine.”
The driver of the semi truck, a 63-year-old male, was unfortunately not able to slow down and swerve out of the way. He suffered lacerations to his face, but was otherwise uninjured. The driver of the tractor, a 64-year-old male from the Strathmore area, succumbed to his injuries at the scene. The Strathmore Rural fire department and the RCMP were called to the scene, efficiently blocking the view from gawkers. Const. Brock Grolla with the RCMP said neither alcohol nor speed was a factor and that it was an unfortunate accident. At press time the name of the tractor driver had not been released.