Project H.O.P.E. holding annual fundraising gala
Amy Gregson – Times Reporter
A program that supports children with learning needs in a number of Strathmore schools is holding their annual fundraising event.
The Project H.O.P.E. Gala is the major fundraiser for the program and provides students with therapeutic services to promote the development of communication and life skills.
“All the funds raised go towards the project,” said Ron Corbiell, a board member with Project H.O.P.E. “Without the support of the community we would go down the tube.”
The project relies on fundraising efforts, such as casinos, donations and the gala, as well as a few grants from the government, to operate.
All board members are volunteers and the money goes toward operation costs and salaries of the therapist.
Project Hope is a partnership with Golden Hills School Division. They operate in Brentwood School, Central Bow Valley School, Crowther Memorial Junior High School, Westmount Elementary School, Wheatland Elementary School and Strathmore High School.
They use music, art therapy and adapted physical education to help children ages three to 18 with severe learning needs, including cognitive, self-help, social-emotional and behavioral diffculties.
There are 60 to 70 students involved in Project H.O.P.E., but Corbiell said you could add the 2,600 other kids in Strathmore schools.
“When you’re rubbing shoulders with these more challenged children, be it in the classrooms or hallways of the school, the other children get an education in learning to be more understanding, caring, considerate and compassionate,” said Corbiell.
Corbiell said they suffered lower numbers last year, but the event was during the same time as the Brier.
They do usually sell-out though, and this year 184 tickets are available.
“We are seriously going to have to consider some place a little bigger,” said Corbiell. “We need to take advantage of either going to the Civic Center or some place larger where we can attract a larger crowd.”
This year will mark the 7th year of the gala, which features a live and silent auction and a sit-down dinner, and jazz music by the Colin Haydu Trio.
The items up for grabs in the auctions include gift certificates, tickets for Calgary Philharmonic and Stage West, artwork and various items from business throughout town.
Students involved in Project H.O.P.E. will come to make some presentations and artwork will be on displays.
“I would really like to thank the community for their past support and looking forward to their continued support,” Corbiell.
The Gala will occur March 13 at the Strathmore Travelodge with cocktails beginning at 5 p.m., and then supper catered by the Strathmore Station at 6 p.m.
Tickets are $50 and can purchased, or a table of eight can be reserved through,Westmount School at (403) 934-3041, Dana Graff at (403) 934-0071 or Ron Corbiell at (403) 644-3884.