County council approves 2024 CERB funding

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Marcy Field, chair of the Wheatland County Community Enhancement Regional Board presented before the Wheatland County council during the May 7 regular meeting.

“Annually, the Wheatland County Community Enhancement Regional Board (CERB) meet to review, evaluate, prioritize, and decide the distribution of funding set aside in the community enhancement reserve,” said Field. “This program began in 2012 and has contributed $5,322,055 for enhancement and betterment of various communities across Wheatland County.”

CERB accepted applications from local non-profit organizations for funding in January, which were reviewed during board meetings in March and April. 

Field explained a total of 66 applications were submitted to CERB, totalling requests for $1,037,897 for grant funding. 

“From the 66 applications, the committee is recommending funding for 56 applications, totalling $432,722.12 – 10 community enhancement grant funding applications are being proposed to be declined,” said Field. 

Coun. Donna Biggar, following Field’s presentation, inquired about potential guidelines or reasons given regarding why certain applications were recommended to not receive funding. 

According to Field, the board is not required to provide any reasons for declining funding recommendations.

“When we take into consideration, we talk together as a board about where is the greatest benefit at this time, so there may be an application in one area for something that then perhaps representatives from that district will say ‘if we prioritize this, this is necessary, this may not be necessary at this time,’ and we are trying to work towards meeting what would be the greatest need,” said Field. “We have also looked at different things that occurred during the lockdown when … there was not the income coming in to the communities and therefore there was a greater demand.”

Organizations whose applications for grant funding did not get approved are recommended and encouraged to reach out to CERB board members to discuss potential future applications.

Wheatland County Finance confirmed the Community Enhancement Grant is funded by a percentage of the 2024 levy total assessment, minus the library contributions. This was outlined to council in their public meeting agenda. As shown on the 2023 assessment roll, that total assessed value is $4,737,494,760. 

According to County CAO, Brian Henderson, the total assessed value is divided by 1,000 then multiplied by 0.1. The library amount ($45,585 for 2024) is then subtracted. Finally, the 2023 CERB returns and interest are added back. This leaves the final CERB total for 2024 at $432,722.12.

The returned funding from last year’s uncompleted projects, or refunded grants and any accrued interest is also allocated to this year’s funding. 

Funding for CERB contributions was included in the county’s annual operating budget from the Community Enhancement Reserve, consistent with previous years.

Coun. Glenn Koester motioned for county council to approve the 2024 Community Enhancement Grant funding as recommended by CERB for the indicated projects as presented. The motion was carried by council.