Charges against town councillor dropped

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Criminal charges which were levelled against Town of Strathmore Coun. Jason Montgomery last year have been dropped. 

Montgomery, who was charged with sexual assault, publication of an intimate image without consent, extortion and criminal harassment, is relieved to move on with his life after a difficult year.

“As many of you know, in early 2023, I was faced with criminal charges brought by the RCMP. I am relieved to share that all charges have been dropped. Due to a publication ban required by Canadian law to protect the identity of the complainant, I will not be commenting on any details of the charges or the case,” said Montgomery in a statement. “Thank you to the many people in our community who have offered their support throughout this trying period. With the charges dropped, my family and I can now move forward with rebuilding our lives in Strathmore. Your kindness has been a source of strength for us during this incredibly challenging time.”

He added he looks forward to continuing to serve the community as a member of Strathmore town council, and working diligently to improve the lives of local residents.

This is Mongomery’s second term on town council.